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Moon Maiden & The Spirit Ladies

Moon Maiden & The Spirit Ladies

The Spirit Ladies of Mmmm, Yes! offer themselves to me. They are little gifts that show up while I work. I never set out to make one. So, I am simply thrilled to introduce Moon Maiden. It has been a long time since one came along.

A few years ago, I read an interview with Quincy Jones. Something he said resonated with me. “God walks out of the room when you’re thinking about money.” I breathed such a sigh of relief when I read it because it had been both a deep truth and a shameful secret. My art has always been wildly Spirit driven. I felt that made me a lazy artist.  

 & fortunately I have a generous and bountiful muse, so I got a lot of practice just by showing up when they did. But, I used to feel like it made me less of an artist.  & in fact, when I taught, the very thing I honed in on with my students was the importance of discipline. I waxed on & on about how important it is to do your art or writing everyday.  (Which I did.) How important it is to revise, revisit, edit and craft your work. (Which I did.) But, for me, I never quite felt I was doing enough.  After all, rarely have I had an original idea that I have executed to my own satisfaction with ease and grace.  

Most artists I know share a similar experience with their work.  We find ourselves in a curious relationship with our art. There are the pieces that we struggle, fight, cajole and bully into being finished. & then, there are the pieces which arrive as gifts. Some more spiritually inclined artists describe them as downloads.  Eventually, after decades of diligent practice and years of experience, one might achieve some delicate balance between the two.  

& I still felt lazy because I wasn’t creating with as much ease, as I believed I ought to by this point in my life.  Afterall, I should be pumping out Spirit Ladies left and right if I was any good. LOL!  But, then, I remember that quote.  A successful artist like Qunicy Jones was giving “permission” (as it were) to honor what has been a life practice for me.  

It wasn’t until very recently when I began having dialogues in the spiritual community that I connected the threads.  Art and spirituality are called practices and work for a reason. In the same way poems don’t magically fall out of a pen, neither do the tangible benefits of affirmations, prayers or other forms of reality-shifting doings. I learned a long time ago that prosperity is a matter of consciousness. It doesn’t really have to do with money, but more to do with finding solutions to ensure one's needs are met. It is these kinds of relationships with consciousness that aid creation. 

& so it is with The Spirit Ladies.  They happen when it's just me & God and in the room..


Moon Maiden

Love the darkness. Love the night.

Love the uncertainty of her light.

Regardless of whether you see her or not, 

She constantly circles your dreams and thoughts.

Artículo anterior What We Are Doing & Not Doing
Artículo siguiente Design: Spider Granma's Love Village


Nsai Temko - septiembre 18, 2024

I’m glad the spirit ladies have offered themselves to you when in those intimate moments between you and the muse. This complicated relationship with creating you express is so relatable and thank you for sharing.

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