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Welcome Nia Springer-Norris to Mmmm, Yes!

Welcome Nia Springer-Norris to Mmmm, Yes!

Mmmm, Yes! Super proud & excited to have a new partner. 

She's young, bright and super capable. Nia has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Communication Studies. She loves the nitty gritty business bits. & most importantly, she really believes in the products and the process by which they are created.

Introducing Nia Springer-Norris! I've known Nia since before she was born. We've come a long way together, had an interesting journey together. 

Like many young Black Moms, I never really had child care that I trusted implicitly. So, I involved my kids in whatever I was doing. Kids are very capable. Kids have a tremendous capacity to learn from doing.  

This, of course, is a lineage thing. My mother had me handing out pamphlets for political leaders and stuffing envelopes by the time I was seven.  I wrote my first successful grant for a non-profit arts group at 16. Why? Because my Mom put me in situations where I was empowered to do and learn.

I very much view working side by side with my children as a political action. I'm hoping to empower them to design and create the kind of life they want to live, whatever that means to them.  I've never wanted to cram them into a mold and demand that they find happiness inside of it regardless of how it felt.

The opening line of a poem of mine that Raising Mother's Magazine published years ago reads, “you get what you get when you beget a child.” 

The gist of the poem is to work with what you've been given. It's a hard lesson for a parent to learn - that you're not in control of who they are or who they become.  

Still working on it. But, feeling pretty confident that I'm on the right track. Especially since she approached me with an offer to help me fill in the gaps.

She is and always has been a dynamo. Smart, quick-witted with a few sharp edges. She's everything Mmmm, Yes! needs to grow as a brand while continuing to offer the kinds of lifestyle objects which resonate with your soul. 

But, more specifically, she is helping me carry on the legacy of building generational wealth. I'm not specifically addressing money, either. I'm discussing the flexibility to do what they want to do when we want to do it. I'm talking about living in a way that doesn't compromise our health and well-being. 

There's all kinds of wealth, in addition to money. Mmmm, Yes! There is living with integrity. Living conscientiously. Living generously. Living in harmony with Spirit. All the things upon which our brand is built.

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